The Big Picture...
What is the problem you are trying to solve?
The whole story
‘mile-wide – inch deep’
A drawing - a detailed ('rich') representation of the problem(s) enables a broad understanding, which may be ill-defined or complex at the outset.
The format may include text, symbols, sketches, sticky notes - whatever is deemed necessary to express the problem(s) and different facets of the situation pictorially, to be meaningful to the team and other stakeholders - thus enabling development of the vision and strategy and measures of success.
Audience Scope
The user types most critical to the success of the product or service by identifying/exploring high level use cases
User Goals
What the user will want to achieve and need – exploring how they may interact with the product or service
Building the right team...
Who is in the team?
A multidisciplinary team
Enables user centred products and services to be designed and delivered by a team with a wide range of skills and experience.
The user's opinion can be heard and captured first hand and all team members have a great understanding of each others' viewpoints.
- Copyright Users First Ltd 2025