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Case Study - User Centred Design for Ciber


What was the overarching problem?

Funding Agency Contracting and Funding Systems were undergoing large-scale transformation and development, the agile process and user-centred design were new to business and many of the team.

Where did our problem sit in the wider business problems?







How did we define our problem boundary in the big picture?

The Big Picture Sketch

*images are project artefacts intentionally obscured for client/data privacy

Who was in the project team of 38?

Agile Delivery Manager


Business Change Managers


Product Owners


User Researcher/
UX Designer

1 (Me)

Enterprise Architects


Business Analysts


Scrum Masters


Product Developers




Skills Funding Agency  | Ciber  |  Cap Gemini  |  Lockheed Martin  |  Microsoft  |  Freelance

Who were the users of the contracting and funding systems?


User Group 1

Contract Adviser

View Contract | Issue Contract

User Group 2

Contract Manager

View Contract | Issue Contract

What was the service scope - end-to-end user journey?


What were the research methods to capture needs?

Interviews, an Expert Review and Workshops were deemed the most appropriate methods, as outlined below:

(1 or 2 Individuals)

Since in-depth knowledge was required from a number of experts this semi-structured method enabled gathering of insights/needs from:

o Product Owners (SMEs)
o Contract Advisers
o Contract Managers

Expert Review

Given the COTs project many of the user needs were not able to be implemented.

To this effect, I produced a report/presentation towards the end of the project – highlighting the limitations of the product.

Model Office (Simulated Workplace) Workshops

These were used twofold:

o To agree screen designs prior to sprint development
o To test screen designs post sprint development

Requested changes were captured in the user needs backlog and wireframes to be prioritised for later sprints

Illustrating and delivering user needs

Contract Adviser and Contract Manager

User Journeys

User journeys were a little unorthadox, given the nature of part of the user journey being delivered in each sprint.

Contract Adviser - User Journey

Contract Manager - User Journey



How was it built?
